Conference Day Two

8:00 am Check-In & Coffee

Navigating Site Selection & Infrastructure Requirements

8:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

8:40 am Case study: Navigating Facility Resource & Infrastructure Requirements to Define Optimal Site Locations

  • Tess Fay Vice President, Global Location Strategies
  • Lee Johnson Executive Vice President, Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance


• Understanding the facility utility and infrastructure requirements to align effective site selection processes

• Measuring required resources to ensure accurate decision making

• Defining the role of the design, engineering, and construction teams in supporting site selection

9:20 am Panel Discussion: Overcoming Grid Capacity to Reduce Bottlenecks in Project Delivery


• Establishing accurate estimates on final facility requirements to improve project efficiency through accurate decisions

• Investigating strategies for communicating requirements with local utility providers to ensure seamless project development

• Looking past grid capacity and assessing alternative solutions to power your projects

9:30 am Improving the Communication of Facility Utility Requirements to Optimize Design, Reduce Rework & Drive Down Cost


• Understanding facility requirements for projects early on to create effective utility design

• Communicating the requirements and utility process with key stakeholders

• Creating adaptability in utility infrastructure to mitigate the delay of an evolving project

10:00 am AI & Data Driven Design: Take Control of Your Equipment Data & Unlock the Benefits of Design Optimization


  • Prepare your project input data for automation to ensure data integrity through the project lifecycle
  • Maximize facility utilization and accelerate design using optimization algorithms and automation
  • Case Study: How one IDM reduced panel requirements by 20% using design automation

10:30 am Break & Networking

Capturing Subject Matter Expertize

11:10 am Panel Discussion: Overcoming the Gap in Demand vs Availability in Skilled Labor to Meet Project Needs


• Reviewing the critical shortages in skilled labor and how this is impacting project delivery

• How can the construction industry work proactively to make the skilled labor pool more robust?

• Effectively working with unions to optimize talent development

11:50 am Developing Effective Knowledge Management Programs to Enhance Expertise at All Levels, Capture Best Practice & Centralize Expertise


• Identifying subject matter experts and creating peer-led training programs

• Creating processes to effectively capture innovation at all levels centrally

• Targeting process and knowledge gaps to evolve individual, departmental and project knowledge

12:30 pm Balancing Facility Requirements With Owner Sustainability Goals in Design & Construction


  • Understanding owner sustainability goals and regulatory obligations
  • Examining design options to improve environmental performance and trade-offs these may require
  • Assessing the construction methods available to meet regulatory or environmental requirements

Improving Field Environments

11:10 am Improving Field Conditions to Attract & Retain the Skilled Labor You Need

  • David Gibson Construction Operations Manager - Food & Beverage Manufacturing, Black & Veatch


• Understanding why it’s more than just money when it comes to project attractiveness at a company and individual level

• Exploring additional onsite amenities and benefits employers can offer to attract and retain talent

• Tapping into the psychology of your talent and creating a work environment that fosters employee satisfaction

11:50 am Audience Discussion: Scaling Safety Programs to the Requirements of Large-Scale Field Environments


• Establishing robust safety onboarding protocols that can be deployed at scale

• Defining the context specific safety challenges in advanced manufacturing construction environments

• Winning and maintaining buy-in across diverse stakeholder groups

12:30 pm Developing Robust Quality Control Strategies to Match the Scale of Megaprojects


  • Defining quality benchmarks in a scale-driven industry
  • Acquiring effective tools for ongoing assessment across project deliver
  • Strategies to maintain a culture of quality, whilst still executing at speed and scale

1:10 pm Networking Lunch

Innovating Future Facility Delivery

2:10 pm Harnessing Technological Innovation to Bring the Future of Facility Design & Construction Into the Present

  • Jeremy Tully Senior Director Digital Transformation, Intel


  • Exploring the use of advanced modelling tools to optimize designs early and increase efficiencies across all stages of execution
  • Connecting the field and design for real-time progress monitoring and quality reviews
  • Getting ready for AI and ML potential use cases for productivity improvements across construction

2:50 pm Fireside Chat: Reviewing How the Future of Manufacturing Facilities is Changing the Demands on the Design & Construction Value-Chain


  • Delving into how manufacturing operations are evolving in critical industry verticals
  • Meeting the challenge of facilities operations changes with solutions in design and construction
  • Reviewing evolving owner business objectives, business models and collaboration opportunities

3:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:40 pm End of Conference